Resurrection - Precepts for Life Printed Study Guide - a study guide to the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. "Resurrection" is a 5-program inductive study of God’s Word that focuses on Christ’s resurrection as the ultimate source of peace in a peace-less world. No matter your gender or age, The Prince of Peace has secured peace for you through His death for your sins and His resurrection for your justification before God.
No matter what you’re facing, if you want light to replace your darkness, hope to replace your hopelessness, praise to replace your depression, love to replace hate, and reconciliation to replace alienation, this is the study for you!
Join Kay Arthur in this exciting study of God’s Word. Discover for yourself what God has to say about Resurrection Peace. This study guide is also available as a FREE Download in pdf form on the estore. There is also and expanded Study Companion available for order which contains additional features like Sidebars that define critical Greek terms and Crossword and Word Search puzzles including answers that parents can do with their children.

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