Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days
Well-known Bible teacher Kay Arthur leads readers into the fascinating world of Inductive Bible Study where God Himself becomes the teacher (Psalm 119:102). This book teaches readers how to study Scripture and specifically mark the text to unlock its meaning. In just 28 days readers learn how to:
- study the Bible book by book and understand what they are reading
- recognize key words and concepts in the Bible
- discover the main point of any passage of Scripture
- discern God's purpose and apply life-changing truths to everyday life
This is a very practical, hands-on, learn-by-doing book, perfect for either individuals or small groups. Bible text and space to write insights are included. Readers need only a pen, a few colored pencils...and a prayerful heart to complete each study and experience the Bible's life-changing power.

- About Lord Series
- CEU Info
- Reviews
"LORD" Series
The "LORD" Series by Kay Arthur is an insightful, warm-hearted Bible study series designed to meet you where you are—and to help you discover God's answers to your deepest needs.
I studied "Lord, I Want to Know You" and taught two classes on "Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days". Studying and knowing the names of God helped me to pray when my husband was in the SICU on a ventilator and heavily sedated. I was emotionally and physically exhausted and could not pray the way I normally pray. All that would come to mind were the names of God I needed in that particular situation. As I prayed God's names back to Him, I noticed my focus was on God's character and not on the storm I was going through. My desire was for God to be glorified.~Thalia
Continuing Education Units
Completion of this course in a group setting is eligible for
Continuing Education Credits through the Association of Christian Schools International.