Resolve - in the world . . . not of it - Leader's Kit - A Study of Daniel 1-6
New and Improved digital format making it even easier for you to take students through the Word of God teaching them inductive study principles while looking at relevant topics to their generation! This kit is contained on a USB card. Resolve Leader's Kit includes:
Customizable content and powerful resources including:
- 4 audio and video messages with discussion questions
- Editable message outlines
- Printable promotional materials
- Digital graphics
- Videos to show in your worship service and small group
- And more!
See also Resolve Study Guide for separate purchase, which includes leader notes.

- About Resolve
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Resolve : A Study in Daniel 1-6!
In the world . . . not of it How do we resolve to live in the world but not be of it? How can Christian students live in this broken-down world, filled with sin and distractions at every turn, and not compromise? Is it even possible? What’s the balance between using the world as an opportunity for sharing Christ or just being dragged down? It’s a hard balance to strike, but one that God has prepared us for with the example of a teen named Daniel. This curriculum is perfect for your next Disciple Now weekend!