Israel - Precepts for Life Study Companion for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur.
Have you “striven with God,” beloved? You’re not alone! Beginning with Jacob’s wrestling God’s angel, Israel’s entire history has been a striving with God. But God kept His covenant with Abraham and blessed Israel’s twelve sons with a land of their own “that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8).
Today Israel huddles within confines much narrower than the boundary God originally promised. It’s surrounded by hostile neighbors, most wanting, and some even planning, their extinction. The heat has been turned up in this century. But God’s promise of restoration holds firm. Israel’s Messiah, the Lord Jesus, will return to “turn godlessness away from Jacob [Israel].” Justice and peace will reign from sea to sea; God’s glory will fill the earth!
Come with me now to learn about this nation that has striven with the very God who destined them to display His glory (Isaiah 49:3). There’s much we can learn about our own spiritual lives from them. And this is the nation to watch . . . in the end times we’re in!
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The Study Companion contains additional features like colored pictures and Sidebars that define terms.

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