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2 Corinthians - Ministers of Reconciliation - DVD Lectures - Kay Arthur - (10 lessons)

Second Corinthians is a book about ministry, various kinds of ministry. But in the midst of ministry, sometimes Christians are burdened beyond strength, despairing of life, having fears within and conflicts without. How do we cope with those things? This book tells us how to be strong in the Lord when accusations and persecutions are directed toward us, how to have confidence in Him and not lose heart, and even how to correct those who are our accusers. (runtime approx. 60:00 video DVD programs, but lengths vary so see individual DVDs for length.) (10 DVDs, one lesson per DVD.) (Lessons 2 and 10 are taught by David Arthur for Kay in Kay's Lecture Set) Cut: 2016; Edited: 02/2017

These DVDs are intended for traditional DVD players and may not play on computers or laptops.

Lecturer: Kay Arthur

  • Lesson 1 - His Grace Toward Me Did Not Prove Vain
  • Lesson 2 - The God of All Comfort (David Arthur is the teacher for this lesson.)
  • Lesson 3 - What Kind of “Living Epistle” Are You?
  • Lesson 4 - Are You Tempted to Run, Hide, Lose Heart, or Will You Stand Firm and Take Action?
  • Lesson 5 - Does the Love of Christ Constrain You?
  • Lesson 6 - Do You Understand the Times in Which You Live?
  • Lesson 7 - How Do You Conduct Yourself in a Relationship That Seems Broken?
  • Lesson 8 - The Gracious Gift of Giving
  • Lesson 9 - What on Earth Are You Thinking?
  • Lesson 10-Paul’s Mission–Build Up the Church at Corinth! (David Arthur is the teacher for this lesson.)
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